Education is central to NZATS’ mission (Ko te mātauranga kei te manawa o te whakatakanga o NZATS)

Anaesthesia is a fast-paced, expanding field where maintenance of clinical competence relies of constant professional development. It is a requirement of our registration to maintain our continuing professional development.

NZATS work closely with tertiary institutions like AUT that provide pathways for students looking to become anaesthetic technicians. We also provide educational resources to students as they study, as well as our Student and Trainee memberships. Continuing education is central to an anaesthetic technician’s career, so we have also developed a CPD (continuous professional development) portal for our members.

Not only a requirement for an APC, education provides and supports life-long learning for all practitioners. Good patient outcomes and protection of patients who use our services are fundamental and critical to our knowledge and practice.

Ko te mahi whakarehu he tāwhai-tere, he kaupapa e whakararahi haere ana ka whakawhirinaki te tautiaki o te matatau ā-ringa ki te whakawhanake ngaio moroki. He herenga nō tō mātou rēhita ki te tautiaki i te whakawhanake ngaio moroki.

Ka mahi ngātahi a NZATS ki ngā whare wānanga pēnei i Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau e whakatakoto ana i ngā ara mō ngā tauira e whakaaro ana ki whai i te mahi o te ringapū whakarehu. Ka toha atu hoki ngā rauemi ako ki ngā tauira i a rātou e kura ana, tae ana ki ā mātou mematanga mō te ihupuku me te tauira hoki. Ko te mātauranga moroki te mea matua ki te umanga o te ringapū whakarehu, nō reira kua whakawhanake mātou i tētahi tāwaha whakawhanake ngaio moroki mō ā mātou mema.

Ehara noa i te herenga mō tētahi APC, Ka tuku ka tautoko hoki te mātauranga i te ako mō te roanga o te ora mō ngā mātanga katoa. He matua he hirahira hoki ngā putanga pai mō ngā tūroro me te whakamaru i ngā tūroro ka whakamahi nei i ā mātou ratonga ki tō mātou mātauranga me tō mātou mahi.

Events (Taiopenga)

A crucial part of the continuing education of our members is attending events. We provide a platform for events hosted by our wider community, as well as our own hosted events. Please see our Events page for a list of upcoming events relevant to anaesthetic technicians.

Ko tētahi wāhanga matua ki te ako tonutanga o ā mātou mema ko te taenga atu ki ngā momo taiopenga. Ka whakaritea āheinga mō ngā taiopenga ka whakahaerehia e te whānui o te hapori, tae atu ki ō mātou ake taiopenga. Kia tirohia tā mātou whārangi taiopenga mō te rārangi o ngā taiopenga e hāngai ana ki ngā ringapū whakarehu.

NetworkZ Training Programme

NetworkZ is a well-established multidisciplinary team training intervention programme for healthcare teams. The goal is to improve the safety of care for patients and staff. The programme has been implemented at DHBs around New Zealand with over 3000 staff trained as participants or instructors. The courses have received enormous positive support and feedback. Over 70 anaesthetic technicians have trained as accredited simulation technicians or instructors and over 300 have participated at the DHBs.

Networkz logo

What NetworkZ offer

  • NetworkZ Settings: Immersive, interactive sessions with a multidisciplinary clinical team training in six clinical settings: OR, Trauma, PACU, OBS/GN and Radiology.
  • Onsite Support: Sessions are delivered by trained and accredited instructors local to their hospital or region, with support from NetworkZ.
  • Model Service: Realistic surgical and trauma models that are augmented with life-like mannikins that talk, breathe, bleed, and are programmed to realistically depict a range of clinical scenarios requiring specific clinical responses.
  • Course Resources: Academy attendees have access to full training resources including clinical scenarios designed to emphasise teamwork, communication and patient safety. Administration and delivery documentation, including access to the App.
  • Instructor Academy: development of the NetworkZ Instructor Academy with short courses on debriefing and delivering simulation training effectively and safely in any setting. Simulation Technical Training is also offered as part of the academy.

If you are interested in the programme or academy, please find out more and follow NetworkZ at:




Blenheim OR NetworkZ training
Invercargill Emergency Department Training


NZATS have partnered with MyHealthHub to provide webinars on a  wide range of topics.

We understand NZATS members are very busy at work and on-call, so for these health professionals, it can be challenging to access relevant continuing professional development. We will source presenters who are highly qualified and experienced health professionals in their specialty areas, so we hope these webinars will assist to keep you up to date on a broad spectrum of relevant topics.

Check out past and upcoming webinars here.