NZATS work tirelessly to promote the field of anaesthetic technicians. Here you will find information on how we advocate for the specialty, resources for promoting our profession, our Strategic Plan and Wellbeing resources to help our members.

Ka whakapau kaha a NZATS ki te whakatairanga i te mātai o ngā ringapū whakarehu. Ki konei kite ai i ngā kōrero mō tā mātou tautoko mō te kaupapa, rauemi whakatairanga mō tō mātou momo mahi, tā mātou Mahere Rautaki, ā mātou rauemi hauora hoki mō ā mātou mema.

How do we advocate?

Ka pēhea tā mātou wawao?

NZATS supports trainee and registered anaesthetic technicians to be represented both locally and nationally. By raising awareness of our role and skills, we promote this Allied Health profession as a viable career path. We are integral to the future workforce training and maintenance of high clinical standards of practice, congruent with the ANZCA Professional Documents.

NZATS lobby politicians and the Ministry of Health to support of the growth of the future healthcare workforce, to be highly flexible and focused on high quality interprofessional practice for optimal patient safety and patient-centered care.

We maintain strong ties with our affiliated organisations, such as NZSA, ANZCA and MSC.

Ka tautoko a NZATS i ngā tauira mahi me ngā ringapū whakarehu kua rēhita kia whakakanohitia ai rātou ā-rohe ā-motu hoki. Nā te whakatūoho o tō mātou tūranga me ō mātou pūkenga, ka whakatairanga ai mātou i tēnei tūmahi Hauora Haumi hei ara mahi tūturu. He nui tō mātou whaitake ki te anamata o te whakangungu ohumahi me te tautiaki i ngā paerewa ōkiko teitei o te whakahāngai, hei ko ngā Tuhinga Ngaio o te ANZCA.

Ka whakaaweawe te NZATS i ngā kaitorangapū me te Manatū Hauora ki te tautoko i te whanaketanga o te anamata o te ohumahi hauora, kia hangore pai ai kia aro hoki ki te kounga mārika o te whakahāngaitanga ā-ngaio mō te toi o te haumaru o te tūroro me te mātua taupua ā-tūroro.

Professional Promotional Material

Ngā Whakatairangatanga Ngaio

Here you will find videos and paperwork as templates for hospitals to use for promoting and recruiting. Please use these only for promoting our specialty. These are provided here for resource purposes only – they may not be copied or distributed on other platforms or websites.

I kōnei koe kite ai i ngā kiriata me ngā pepamahi hei anga mā ngā hōhipera he whakatairanga hei whakataritari hoki. Tēnā kia whakamahia kautia ēnei mō te whakatairanga i tō mātou tūmomo mahi. Kua tukuna noatia hei rauemi – kia kaua e pūruatia e tuhatuhaina rānei ki pae kē atu ki paetukutuku kē atu hoki.

A day in the life of an anaesthetic technician

A future as an anaesthetic technician – Perioperative practice brochure

Anaesthetic Technician Careers Presentation (PowerPoint file)

Programme and Graduate AT Interview

Strategic Plan

Mahere ā-Rautaki

Read the NZATS strategic plan, covering aspects of advocacy for the anaesthetic technician profession, our commitment to providing quality Continuing Professional Development opportunities and supporting our members in their wellbeing as well as their careers.

Pānuitia te mahere ā-rautaki a NZATS e whakakapi ana i te wāhi ki ngā wawaotanga mā ngā mahi ringapū whakarehu, tā mātou ū ki te tuku i ngā Whakawhanaketanga Ngaio Auau kounga me te tautoko hoki i ō mātou mema me tō rātou oranga, otirā ā rātou mahi.

Read the current Strategic Plan



The wellness of our members, anaesthetic technicians and the wider healthcare community is important to us at NZATS.

He mea nui ki a mātou o NZATS te oranga o ō mātou mema, o ngā ringapū whakarehu me te hapori hauora whānui.

Please visit the excellent Kāhui Oranga website, which was established as a collaborative of District Health Boards, health sector unions, NZ Blood Service and the Ministry of Health to work together to promote the wellbeing of the workforce. It provides a great resource for healthcare professionals for their mental and physical wellbeing, how to deal with fatigue, and promote healthy and positive workplace cultures.