1. The first Anaesthetic Technicians were employed under a Ministry of Health pilot scheme in
  2. I whiwhi mahi ngā Ringapū Whakarehu tuatahi kei raro i tētahi kaupapa tōmua te Manatū Hauora ki roto i…
  3. First examinations held
  4. Ngā whakamātautau tuatahi
  5. Our professional body which was originally called The NZ Society Anaesthetic Technicians was formed
  6. I whakatūria tō mātou rōpū ngaio ko The NZ Society Anaesthetic Technicians tana ingoa taketake
  7. Ministry of Health no longer funded and was responsible for the training of Anaesthetic technicians. Members of NZNC (New Zealand Nursing Council) and of ANZCA (Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) formed the Anaesthetic Technicians board.
  8. Kua kore te Manatū Hauora e tautoko mā te pūtea ka mutu he haepapa nōna ki te whakangungu i ngā ringapū whakarehu. I whakatūria e ngā mema o NZNC (New Zealand Nursing Council) o ANZCA (Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) hoki te poari o Ngā Ringapū Whakarehu.
  9. The certificate in Anaesthetic Technology was introduced in NZ A pass in a practical exam at the end of the technical certificate programme was a pre-requisite to obtain registration
  10. I whakaurua te pōkaitahi o Te Hangarau Whakarehu i Aotearoa. E riro ai te rēhita me whakatutuki tētahi whakamātautau ā-ringa hei te whakamutunga o te hōtaka pōkaitahi hangarau.
  11. Our self-regulated professional registration started. Formal application to MOH, for legislative registration was lodged.
  12. I tīmata tā mātou rēhita whakarite-whaiaro. Ka tāpae tētahi tono ōkawa ki te Manatū Hauora, kia whakature ai i te rēhitatanga.
  13. National Standards of Practice for ATs were established. These determined the expected Standards of competence.
  14. Kua whakapūmautia Ngā Ritenga Paerewa ā-Motu. Nā reira i whakatau ai ka tika i ngā Paerewa Matatau.
  15. Submission to MOH for inclusion in the Health Practitioners Competency Assurance Bill
  16. Ministry advised the NZSAT and ATB to amalgamate. NZ Association of Anaesthetic Technicians and Nurses was formed
  17. He tāpae ki te Manatū Hauora kia whai wāhi atu ki te Health Practitioners Competency Assurance Bill.
  18. Ka tohua e te manatū a NZSAT me ATB kia whakakotahi ai. Kua whakatūria te NZ Association of Anaesthetic Technicians and Nurses.
  19. Letter sent to NZAATN to all hospitals recommending registration with them for all those that completed anaesthetic assistant training.
  20. Letter was sent to MOH stating what the NZAATN Regulations were for training. Registration, Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics as well as a voluntary register was established.
  21. Kua tukuna tētahi reta ki NZAATN ki ngā hōhipera katoa e tohutohu ana kia rēhita ai ki a rātou mō te hunga i whakaoti i te whakangungu kaiāwhina whakarehu.
  22. Kua tukuna tētahi reta ki MOH e mea ana he aha ngā waeture o NZAATN mō te whakangungu. I whakapūmautia te rēhitatanga, Ngā Ritenga Paerewa me ngā Tikanga Matatika, tētahi rēhita tūao anō hoki.
  23. NZAATN was renamed NZATS
  24. Ka tapaina anō a NZAATN ki NZATS
  25. NZATS membership was surveyed to ascertain support for registration. Members clearly indicated they wished to proceed.
  26. An application for registration as a New Profession under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (HPCAA) was formerly lodged.
  27. Ka tirohia te mematanga o NZATS ki te whai tautoko mō te rēhitatanga. I tohua mārika e ngā mema tō rātou hiahia ki te anga whakamua.
  28. I tāpaetia ōkawatia tētahi tono rēhita hei ngaio hōu kei raro i te Health Practioners Competence Assurance Act (HPCAA).
  29. MOH determines that AT’s are to be regulated under the HPCA Act 2003.
  30. The Diploma in Applied Science replaced the certificate.
  31. MSC contact NZATS to continue to provide the AT’s registration Examination – but now done on behalf of MSC.
  32. Ka whakatau a MOH me whakariterite ngā ringapū whakarehu kei raro i te HPCAA Act 2003.
  33. Ka whakakapia te pōkaitahi e te Pōkairua o te Whakahāngai Mātai.
  34. Ka whakapā atu Te Kaunihera Pūtaiao Hauora Aotearoa ki a NZATS ki te whakarawe tonu i te whakamātautau rēhita Ringapū Whakarehu – heoi anō inaiānei mā Te Kaunihera Pūtaiao Hauora Aotearoa.
  35. However in September the MOH Reviewed how the act operates
  36. Resulting from this review it was not possible to establish a standalone authority for ATs
  37. Engari, i tērā Hepetema i arotake te Manatū Hauora i te āhua o te mahi o te ture.
  38. Heoi nei anō te hua o te arotake kāore i taea te whakatū tētahi ahumana motuhake mō ngā Ringapū Whakarehu
  39. MOH reviewed the criteria for professional statutory regulation and determined it was to progress.
  40. The Medical Laboratory Sciences Board changed its name to the Medical Sciences Council in preparation for incorporating the ATs
  41. Ka arotake a te Manatū Hauora i te paearu mō te whakaritenga ā-ture ngaio me te whakatau ka whanake ake.
  42. Ka panoni te ingoa The Medical Laboratory Sciences Board ki te Medical Sciences Council hei whakarite i te piringa mai o ngā Ringapū Whakarehu.
  43. Medical Sciences Council called for ATs to apply for registration.
  44. Ka whakatau Te Kaunihera Pūtaiao Hauora Aotearoa kia tono ai i Ngā Ringapū Whakarehu ki te rēhita.
  45. First Annual Practising certificate issued.
  46. Te whakawhiwhinga tuatahi o te pōkaitahi whakahāngai ā-tau.
  47. Two expanded scopes of practice were approved.
  48. Kua whakamanahia kia rua o ngā terenga whakahāngai kua whakawhānuihia.
  49. Bachelor of Health Sciences introduced and started
  50. Kua whakaurua, kua huatakina hoki te tohu Paetahi o ngā Mātai Hauora.
  51. The Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand released a Scope of Practice Review for Consultation from members and the public over August and September.